
Mariesha Blazik - Photo for websiteMariesha A. Blazik,  Principal

Ms. Blazik founded Blazik Consulting, a consulting firm focused exclusively on providing accessibility consulting services to legal professionals, owners, developers, and design professionals on the design and construction accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act (FHA), and other federal and state requirements and provisions.  Ms. Blazik is a national recognized Expert in accessibility consulting since 2002.

Ms. Blazik has consulted in the investigations and settlement resolutions on Fair Housing Act (FHA) housing discrimination cases and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) civil rights cases for both public and private clients, including the United States Department of Justice. She has surveyed and consulted on hundreds of projects and cases in twenty-two states.

Ms. Blazik’s background prior to accessibility consulting was as an architect and designer in the commercial architecture for two New York architectural firms, Kohn Pederson Fox Associates and Gensler NY.  


  • Princeton University, Masters, Architecture, Princeton, NJ.
  • Pratt Institute, Bachelors (BArch), Architecture, New York, NY.
  • Columbia University, Business, New York, NY.
  • University of Washington, Commercial Real Estate, Seattle, WA.

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